Secure Website Services
Website security starts with your internet service provider and after 30 years of serving webpages we have the experience you want to host your website
Internet Service Provider
Since the beginning of the internet we have provided a variety of internet services including web hosting, internet access, and VPN's at incredible speeds
Data Center Services
Secure network connections from a fully certified data center where your traffic is safe from corporate influences, the marketing of your data, and theft.

Secure Website Services
We provide you with ongoing assistance registering, transferring, DNS configuration, initial website setup, hosting, technical support, development services, and management services that allow you to maximize your internet exposure securely.
- Fully Certified Data Center.
- PCI and HIPAA Security Standards Compliant.
- Easy install apps, Page builders, and WordPress too.
- Located at the DET-IX regional internet exchange point (IXP).
- All hosting services are fully managed and moitored for security.
- Firewall protected with additional intrusion detection and realtime blocking.
- We can maintain the security of your web server, protect your data, and privacy.
Years of Website Hosting
Years of Website Development
Years of DNS Administration
Years of Security
Secure Website Services
All of the website services you need in one place.
Website Hosting
Since 1996 we have hosted websites for individuals, business's, clubs, organizations, and government agencies. We can host your website too! FREE Basic Migrations<
Website Development
We have been developing websites, e-commerce stores, blogs, with SEO in mind since the beginning of the public internet! We offer both in-house and third party.
Website Security Reviews
With security requirements for business getting harder every day, we are here to help you with your web presence with website security evaluations.
System Administration Services
With over 20 years of providing Linux support services, "your problem" can be diagnosed and repaired quickly. We support Debian, RedHat, Ubuntu, and most GUIs.
Custom Linux Systems
When that forum or other gotta have application needs a custom build OS that can still be maintained, we can build a system designed around it's needs for you.
Compliance eMail Services
eMail for every profession. We provide POP3 medical eMail and plenty of storage space for everybody else. We provide both local and third party services.
Our hosting plans
Getting started is easy as a few clicks!
Our ordering process is quick and easy to complete reguardless if you want to Register, Transfer, or Manage your domain yourself.

Data Center Services
Located in Southfield, near Detroit Michigan, we are a provider of the data center services at Michigans largest business service provider. Contact us for more information!
- Fully Certified Data Center.
- State of the art DDOS protected network.
- PCI and HIPAA Security Standards Compliant.
- Located at the DET-IX regional internet exchange point (IXP)
- Dedicated long term backup generators and video moitoring systems.
- We offer dedicated rack space and network drops for advanced compliance .
Years of Rack Management
Years of Electrical Systems
Years as an ISP
Years of Clean Rooms
Data Center Services
Real brick and mortar data center located in Southfield Michigan serving most of Michigan.
Co-Location Services
We accept a wide variety of servers and other devices. We offer both our network and dedicated DC drops for when you want that extra bit of data security.
Node-Location Services
We rent space for a wide variety of SAN servers with dedicated DC drops and bring your own service for when you really want that extra node of data security.
Dedicated Ethernet and Fiber
Dedicated service is always symmetrical, meaning businesses get equal bandwidth performance when uploading and downloading content.
Secure Cloud Access
Connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Salesforce, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, and many more.
Business VPN Service
Enjoy High Speed VPN service connected directly to the DC where you can pick from a variety of filtering systems or none at All. Restrictions apply, please contact us.
Data center coLocation services
We specialize in the colocation of devices for business professionals.
Not everything fit's into a neat package you can buy with a few clicks.
Please give us a call to discuss your needs and how we can help you reach your goals.

Experienced Consulting Services
With "Years of experience" managing the Internet of things, you can find answers here.
- We have answers because ...
- Computer experience since the 1980's
- Computer Sales and support since the 1990's
- Spanning multiple operating systems from the beginning.
- Debian, RedHat, Centos, Ubuntu, and their various flavors.
- "Do you really want to know?" warnings for extremely long answers.
- Experienced with Website, eMail. and Cyber Security solutions for 25 years.
- Support for various firewall management and intrusion detection solutions.
- You can tell us what you need to accomplish and we can tell you how to do it.
Years of Linux
Years of Linux Updates
Years building Linux Updates
Years of Professional Repairs
Consulting Services
"Years of experience" on a variety of topics and lot's of answers.
Internet Consulting
We predate the internet using digital communication devices and can guide you through many of the internets best practices in a large variety of areas.
Linux Administration
We support the main distributions and web hosting control panels. We also support the ocean of additional apps that makeup what most folks call Linux.
Internet Ethics Consulting
If your regulatory compliance includes proper online ethics there are a variety of things we want to monitor. Most likely your web services have problems.
Website Security Enhancements
Some website applications do not require additional security adjustments, and some like WordPress greatly benefit from a variety of security tweaks.
Website Security Reviews
These days it doesn't matter if you think your website has been hacked or not. Most likely it has been and nobody was kind enough to tell you about it.
Cobalt and BlueOnyx Support
The home of Zeffie Storm the Cobalt consultant who dates back to the very first internet appliance webservers and still supports them but no longer makes updates for.
Looking for more or not sure?
Not everything fit's into a neat package you can buy with a few clicks.
Please consider giving us a call to discuss your needs and how we can help you reach your goals.
For faster service please give us a call to discuss your needs
Data Center Location:
24700 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield, MI 48075
Snail mail us at:
One Avenue llc
p.o. box 531746 Livonia, MI 48153
Call us:
Sales and Support hours are 24/7
Office hours are 10am to 10pm daily